Leafbabies first post please ignore

Leafbabies first post please ignore

April 1, 2016 Off By Michael

Welcome to leafbabies.com there’s nothing much to see here yet

leafbabies.com is brand new. We spent a few hours setting it up today and wanted to cap it off with a quick blog post to test the blog and get some content in here.  There’s not much to see just yet. The forums are set up and the footer text blocks are in. The base shop categories are created but there’s plenty more to set up with shipping and credit cards payment stuff.

There’s still a lot to do offsite too

We’ll be setting up facebook and twitter soon and letting people know we’re here. We’ve still got email boxes to set up and get all the webmaster tools setup.  There’s still so much to do before we launch, but today was a good start.


Websites aren’t much harder than gardening though

Ugh the work of setting up a new site. Actually its a little like getting a garden bed ready. You clear the ground, turn the soil, add compost or fertilizers and water.  Soon we’ll be sowing our seeds and watching our efforts sprout.  We’ll need help before long though, because this garden won’t tend itself. We will be looking for other farmers to help us tend the forums and make sure there aren’t any pests bothering our leafbabies.  We may even ask for guest posts for our blog.  That’s a ways away though.

Leafbabies is still in proof of concept mode

So we’re still pretty much self referential.  It’s not likely that this post will even get read, and this is more a test than anything else, but before we turn in for the night, we wanted to get this all buttoned up.