Where did you go to watch the solar eclipse

Where did you go to watch the solar eclipse

August 21, 2017 0 By Michael

OMG enough with the eclipse stuff already, right? Nope! Lots of people went to see it and now it’s time to compare notes! Were you with us in Kelly, Kentucky for the little green man festival eclipse event or did you make your way to another state besides your own? Did anything strange or interesting happen in your garden? Did you have an eclipse party?

We would love for you to share it with us here in the comments. Tell us your story and share links to the pictures you posted online in social media or your blog.

What did we do for the solar eclipse you ask ?

Whelp, we planned a vacation around it back in February. Fact is, we’ve got family in Western Kentucky that we visit as frequently as we can. So a day trip to Kelly Kentucky, just outside of Hopkinsville was totally worth it.

Eclipse aliens are the best kind of aliens

Unless you got there real early, no matter where your eclipse event was, you were likely to hit a little traffic.

So what’s the big deal about Kelly it’s not even on the map

Well, maybe you’re right, there aren’t too many big attractions to get people visiting outside of the eclipse. but Kelly has been featured on TV’s X Files, has been featured in documentaries and movies and has been the basis for some real big budget box office hits…. Kelly is even featured prominently on Wikipedia.

The Hopkinsville Kelly solar eclipse party wasn’t significant because of it’s whopping two minute forty seconds of totality… nope… Kelly’s a big deal on account of, as it’s reported, on August 21, 1955, local farmers of Kelly reported to the Hopkinsville sheriff that they had been fighting off a dozen or more short, dark figures who had been popping up at the doorway and looking in on them through the windows. The family that owned the farm vacated the next night after the aliens returned again.

Kelly Aliens only showed up to the eclipse party in costume form

The Kelly incident has been significantly covered on UFO documentaries, is the model for the Pokémon monster Sableye and may even be the basis for the Steven Spielberg E.T.

Truly a fantastic event

The food was great, the people were awesome and if you were directly in the path of eclipse totally like us, the view was amazing! Were you able to figure out the settings on your phone’s camera to get some pictures?  Here’s how some of ours turned out.

before eclipse totality we used a pair of eclipse glasses as a filter for the camera

the eclipse moment we all traveled and waited for

Just at the end of eclipse totality

There were some people trying their best to take advantage, selling counterfeit bad eclipse glasses and price gouging for parking (we saw folks trying to rent their front lawn for $50). Hopefully nobody got fooled… Or hurt.

Our solar eclipse experience was fun but despite the locale, not otherworldly

We thought animals and insects would go haywire, but other than a couple crickets, and lots of people staring at the sky during eclipse totality, there wasn’t too much going on.

360 degree sunset during the eclipse

Did you see any neat aircraft during the eclipse?

NASA had some t28 jets following the path and Google had some weather balloons up way high. We saw some jet condensation trails up against the dark eclipse sky… Very cool here’s an example we found from jetphotos.net.

NASA star eclipse chaser for 2017

We really want to know what you did for eclipse day

Comment here on the blog, make a post on the forum or hit us up on Twitter and Facebook and make sure you share links to your best pictures!

let us know on twitter @leafbabies and tag  if you were there with us. Where did you go? Share your experience with us